The Beeman of Seatac, August 19.2014

Most of you know that Darrel is a beekeeper. Well, today started honey collection day.


He puts on his bee suit and then removes the honey supers from the hives. He removes the frames of honey, then uses a hot knife to take the wax caps off the honey cells.


The frame then goes into the honey spinner and it is spun until the honey all comes out. It is drained into a strainer to remove the excess wax, then goes in a 5 gallon bucket and eventually into jars.


They only did 2 hives, out of 10, and got about 8 gallons so far. They were all sweating like pigs in the closed up garage, but it needs to be closed or the bees come in and try to get their honey back.

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5 Responses to The Beeman of Seatac, August 19.2014

  1. dan leenhouts says:

    Was raised on ranch in zillah I remember getting in trouble for raiding the hives for honey. Wax was better than any store bought candy.

  2. seabreeze223 says:

    So that sounds like a lot of honey… is that a normal amount??

  3. Vanessa says:

    Wow you guys never slow down. I’m exhausted hearing about all the things you’re dong, and more than a little bit jealous I’m not there with you. YUM honey! I think of Darrel and his busy little bees every time I spoon some out of our dwindling supply, so be sure to save a jar for us.
    We had a horrible time fishing. At first I thought it was due to the heat this summer, but after watching shark week, I think I’ll blame it on them. I never want to go in the water in Maui again. Gary is reheating his version of the Hall family burritos and fresh crab sounds way better.
    What is your schedule the next few Fridays? I need a pedicure and would love to take you to lunch and get you your birthday present before Christmas this year. Let me know if you can pencil me in to your very busy, but very fun schedule.
    Kiss the old man for me and lets get together so you can be around estrogen, oh wait, that ship done sailed….

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